Marwan Kawadri

Marwan Kawadri

Hi I'm Marwan

I’m passionate about exploring how frontier technologies are challenging the status quo and shaping society at large. I love working with companies at every stage of their journey to think through and act on the technologies defining their industries.

I'm a British-[Lebanese/Syrian/Malaysian] living in London.

Questions I've worked on

🌐 How do we democratise access to crypto? @ Binance

🌱 How do we sustainably grow communities built for impact? @ Facebook Community Accelerator

🛰️How can we deliver accessible and affordable internet to the next 3B users? @ Facebook Accelerator London

⚡How can we deliver affordable and clean energy to the entire world? @ BP Launchpad

🤖How do we build a global policy framework for ethical AI? @ The Future Society

🚜How do we sustainably feed the world? @ Tekfen Ventures

💄How can luxury companies capture the D2C opportunity? @ Puig Futures

🏢How do we build the operating system for the physical space? @ Managed by Q (Rest in Power)

Things I'm interested in

🔮 Consumer crypto, DeFi & Web3

⚖️Ethics of emerging technologies

📈Venture, investing and financial empowerment

💪Mentorship and empowerment

🌀Internet culture & memes

🏢Urban economics & real estate

Tracks I'm listening to right now

Let's chat

If you want to know more, chat about investment, venture & entrepreneurship, or just say hi, send me a DM:

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